I’m Jamie Brydone-Jack

Freelance Editor, Professional Reader, & Published Writer

Read. Edit. Write.

A Variety of Author Services

From alpha and beta reading to copyediting and proofreading … I’ve got your book’s development cycle covered!

Tips for Writers

Helpful guides, articles, and blog posts about writing and getting the most from editorial services


  • Alpha Reading
  • Beta Reading Romance
  • Manuscript Evaluation


  • Editorial Proofreading
  • Copyediting
  • Line Editing


  • Book Reviews (FREE)
  • Book Blurbs

... and More

Currently under reconstruction!

Which Services Do You Need?

For authors, reading and editing needs vary depending on where you are at in the writing or pre-publication cycle and what you think your manuscript needs.

  • Alpha and beta reading can help get your story or nonfiction book on track.
  • Manuscript evaluation before editing can help fine-tune your working draft, saving you time and money on editing services.
  • Copyediting or line editing hones your manuscript so that nothing stands between your reader and your words.
  • Proofreading just before publication makes sure your work shines!

Are You Ready?

Are you ready to work with a reader or editor? Read about what’s needed at every step of the editorial process to find out! 

Have your first draft ready? Choose one of my Rewriting & Self-Editing Guides for either fiction or nonfiction before you gather your beta reading team.

Think you’re ready for professional editing? Click the button to get my Pre-Editing Checklist.

What is The Process Like?

It starts with knowledge … look around the pages of this website, and determine where you are in the writing/editing process and what you believe your editorial needs are. Then contact me, and tell me about your project. If you like, ask for samples and request a free 10-page sample edit. We’ll discuss the needs of your project and what I can do to help. Decide if you’d like to work with me and in what capacity. If you choose to move forward, we then work together to make your book what you want it to be.

1. Surf this site for more information about professional reading & editing

There’s lots to see on this site! Look at the services offered and their comparisons. Don’t forget about the guides and articles. I like to share hints and tips about the writing process, the publication cycle, grammar & style, and author-preneurship.

2. Contact me about your project or mentorship

There are forms all over the site that you can use to e-mail me. Tell me about your book/project and where you are at in it. Or, if you are interested in mentorship, tell me about your writing in general as well as projects you are currently working on. I usually respond in less than 24 hours but sometimes I may take up to 2 days.

3. Request samples or a free 10-page edit, if you like

There’s nothing like seeing. This is the editor’s version of “show, don’t tell.” I’m happy to provide samples of feedback I’ve given other authors for readings and evaluations, as well as examples of my approach to the different levels of editing.

4. Discuss your project with me and decide if we'll work together

We will go back and forth via e-mail, each of us asking questions and providing answers. If you haven’t sent it already, you’ll provide a couple chapters of your manuscript so I can determine the rate for the editing service needed. You ultimately decide if you’d like to use any of my services. If you do, we’ll finalize the details and sign a contract.

5. Collaborate so that your work best entertains or serves the reader

Our ultimate goal is to produce the best book we can. We work together to make that happen! I may only play a small part of your book’s development process, but I want to help you toward your ultimate vision of your work. As a professional reader and editor, my philosophy is that I serve the your potential audience first to bring them the best possible experience with your work.

About Me

I’ve been reading a wide variety of books–mystery, historical fiction, romance, nonfiction, and more–nearly as long as I can remember. In high school and college, I assisted English instructors and professors with their students, often working one-on-one with other students to improve their writing skills. No matter my pay-for-the-roof-over-my-head job, I’ve worked with writers informally to help shape their writing, from poetry books to fiction to nonfiction.

Professionally, I proofread instructional manuals and other in-house publications for Pacific Bell (back when there were Baby Bells). Later, I became a medical editor, working on documents and in-house publications of hospitals and other healthcare institutions.

I ran a successful specialty food store for 10 years and am a published cookbook author. I am currently on sabbatical from my normal day job as an RN, registered with the State of Oregon.

Jamie is a treasure find for me. She was amazingly thorough and extremely detailed in her line editing. She didn’t miss a single thing that needed correction in my manuscript. But the best thing about Jamie is that she did all this without trying to change the spirit of the book. She adapted her suggestions and changes to the writing style and heart of the story. She’s the best I have worked with so far.”

Iris Darshi

Author, Always Been You


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“Jamie did an amazing job with my book, which was no easy task as I shifted into odd language styles and accents. She was easily able to pick up the difference between an actual error vs. purposeful inaccuracies for the sake of the prose. She was incredibly respectful of my style while still providing guidance on clarity and corrections. I’ve worked with several editors, and Jamie’s ability to see text from different angles, as opposed to trying to shoehorn words into a specific flow, is a treasure…”

Alex Tramari

Author, Dragoncast

I’m so glad I had Jamie work with my manuscript. Not only did she copyedit and point out general typos, punctuation, and various grammar mistakes, as well as make suggestions/corrections throughout the manuscript, she also gave me her general impression as a reader (very detailed, by the way). Even though I’ve had other betas read my story, she pointed out inconsistencies and made a few developmental edit suggestions to improve the overall story. She lets you know when you’ve done something right, which is very helpful since as a writer one of the hardest things to get over is doubt.…”

Danielle Brown

Author, A Place to Stay

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Put Your Best Words Forward Today!

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